
VN Composites masters the technology used to transform thermoset composite materials with fiber reinforcements.

Composite materials

Composite materials are an assembly of at least two immiscible materials but with high adhesive properties. The new material thus formed has properties that the each element alone does not possess.

This phenomenon improves the quality of the material because of new qualities (lightness, stiffness to a force, etc...). this explains the increasing use of composite materials in various technological sectors. However, the detailed description of composites is mechanically complex.

A composite material consists of a frame called reinforcement which ensures the mechanical strength and a protection called matrix which is usually a plastic material (thermoplastic or thermosetting resin). It ensures the cohesion of the structure and the transmission of strain towards the reinforcement.

The different types of reinforcements and matrixes

Among the reinforcementsused:

  • Glass fibers
  • The carbon fibers
  • Aramid fibers (or Kevlar)

each couple of reinforcements can be fused together in pairs to obtain hybrid reinforcements. The most common is the hybrid fabric Kevlar/Carbon. In addition, each type of fiber is classified according to several criteria (number of filaments, module type, weaving) which affect the mechanical characteristics of the reinforcement. The main organic templates used are :

Each of reinforcements can be fused in pairs to obtain hybrid reinforcements. The most common is the hybrid fabric Kevlar / carbon. In addition, each type of fiber is divided according to several criteria (number of filaments, module type, weaving) that affect the mechanical characteristics of the reinforcement. The main organic templates used are:

  • Polyester resins
  • The vinyl ester resins
  • The epoxy resins
  • Phenolic resins
  • Cyanate ester
  • polyamides
  • The thermoplastic resins (PP, PA, PC, PEI, PEEK, etc ...)

Each fiber / matrix couple has its advantages and disadvantages. The right choice is part of our expertise.

CMC: Composite Compression molded

CMC is a new composite material that can significantly reduce the cost of parts for small and medium series. This is an innovative product which can be implementated much more quickly than the traditional draping long fibers.

Made with a quasi-isotropic carbon high strength composite obtained by low-pressure compression molding, this material combines carbon fiber performance with high productivity.

Reinforcements are HR carbon fibers, coupled to an epoxy matrix to have excellent mechanical and thermal wear.

This type of product permits the manufacturing of details on complex shapes (ribs, boss, thread ...). Depending on the thickness of the workpiece, the isotropic organization of the fibers improves the transverse strength of the material. The temperature resistance goes up to 200 ° C with the right choice of matrix and post-baking.

Bladders and Silicones bladders

The process of making complex shapes and the difficulty in unmolding obliges us to design and produce bladders or silicone balloons.

VN Composites makes its own bladders by vacuum injection to ensure a constant thickness and pressure distribution during molding of parts.


ZAC de la poulasse
4, avenue Bernard Palissy

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